It is obvious that I have "something really intriguing going on" with the colour blue and all its hues and, what feels like an airiness and translucency that reaches the depth of my soul.
Blue does bring me peace, tranquility (colour of the fifth chakra, of will, choice, self-expression, knowledge) ... yet in this painting it has a very dynamic and almost simultaneous and reversible role that quiet intrigues me as it may suggest in the shapes a duality in the elements it represents.
On the subtle "symbolic/perceptual connection" of this fifth, the "willpower Chakra" is progressing to the maturation of will: from the tribal perception that everyone and everything around you has authority over you; through the perception that you alone have the authority over you; to the final perception, that true authority comes from aligning yourself with the will of the Universe/ the Creator/ God / Ala ............ partially quoted from "The Anatomy of the Spirit" by Caroline Myss
A rather loaded concept to ponder and even more "elaborate to mature to'; which, brings me back to the special feeling this painting gives me - not really requiring words/explanations - it just IS.
This was the first time that I folded and crumpled paper in order to "express/create" together with water and pigments a fleeting glimpse at the deep sensation of what Earth felt/feels like to me.
I used the wet-on-wet technique and I must say, this was a stunning experience to me as once the brush was loaded and the tip touched the water it needed little "guiding", but a whole lot of "maneuvering" of the paper for the paint to flow in the desired directions.
For me, it represents "a miracle" in how puddled and seeped into the paper. I love using this particular "amateur" paper, because it is smooth and when throughly wet is almost like a cloth - although, one must be careful, as it is possible to cause it to tear...
Earth: raw, simple yet multi-dimensional, vibrant... wet! lol
There were three more and just recently a couple smaller in size that began the "Minies Series".
I am sure you will look at them differently form now on... what do they say to you?
Anne-Marie said...
I love th story behind "earth one". And I love it, that beautiful work that holds such great meaning because I wanted it as a remembrance around the time of our wedding last year. I still need the right frame for it, and I am still looking.
It's so beautiful in the meantime.
Tue Oct 30, 07:36:00 PM PDT
Ann-Marie dear
You must often have "burning ears" as I mention how happy I am that it "went to a good home".
It pleases me to no end to know you are happy with it.
I’d say, don't delay any more with the framing - they look absolutely fabulous framed (I just discovered) - if I may say so myself!
They look "very grown up" and undoubtedly "important" :)
And, I am going to copy and paste this over at StudioGaleria.
Will also sent you a copy of "The Secret behind the painting" so you can keep then together ...
I am planning to attach one to each as they are sold.
Nice to hear from you – happy Anniversary for yous
Big Hug
Thank you dear Q!
I wonder if you have a similar celebration in the UK?
Dusties flowing to you
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